There are around 30,000 Volunteer Reservists in the UK. Coming from all backgrounds, regions and jobs, these are men and women who use their spare time to train and serve alongside the Regular Forces. The Reserve Forces consists of the Royal Naval Reserve, the Royal Marines Reserve, the Army Reserve and the Royal Air Force Reserve.

What they do
Reservists are an integral part of the Armed Forces working side-by-side with their Regular colleagues at home and overseas. Reservists receive the same world-class training as the Regulars and develop the same skills, many of which are used to great effectiveness in their civilian roles. Members of the Reserve Forces, enhance the Regular (full-time) Forces whenever an operational demand requires it. Reservists can specialise in specific areas and the training they receive can complement their civilian career and personal development.

Why they’re so important
Reservists are a significant and essential part of our defence strategy. They are called upon as individuals for their specific skills or as ready-formed units to serve alongside the Regular Forces whenever required. Reservists are important as they form around 17% of the nation’s total defence capacity which in turn makes them an essential part of our Country’s defence strategy; this percentage will increase over the next few years. They are called upon as individuals for their specific skills or as ready-formed units to serve alongside their Regular Forces when required.