National Archery Competition 2023

Initially, there was a huge amount to take on board and everyone has certainly learned a lot, which will set us in good stead for 2024.

The Cadets did brilliantly, picking up the competition rhythm and scoring protocol quickly.

Target archery was challenging at the further distance with the Cadets receiving some first-class coaching, improving both their confidence and scores.  At the shorter distance, the team came into their own.

The real Robin Hood action came with Clout archery, a medieval practice that is enormous fun and was thoroughly enjoyed by all (including the adults). After a brief introduction, it was game on!

Outside of the competition, the Cadets were excellent ambassadors for their respective Army Cadet Forces Sectors and for London District. They made friends, were polite, displayed excellent camaraderie and kept their accommodation in excellent order.  We even had a member of the public approach Staff at a service station to praise one of the Cadets for their kindness to his disabled father. They really were shining examples of the V&S.

The Cadets did extremely well.  A summary of the results is as follows:

Junior ResultsSenior Results
Category: Target Archery
Team Competition – 3rd Place
O’Neill, NW
Klotz, SE
Henden, SE
Humphries, SE
Team Competition – 1st Place
Sunderland, SE
Barnes, SW
Munera, SE
Mignott, SE
Team Competition – 3rd Place
Borrego, SW
Gentles, SE
Beattie, SW
Munera, SE
Individual overall placement: 3rd Place – O’Neill, NWIndividual overall placement:
1st Place – Sunderland, SE
2nd Place – Borrego, SW
Category: Clout Archery
Team Competition – 1st Place
O’Neill, NW
Klotz, SE
Henden, SE
Humphries, SE
Team Competition – 1st Place
Mignott, SE
Gentles, SE
Sunderland, SE
Barnes, SW
Individual overall placement:
1st Place – Klotz, SE
 Individual overall placement:
1st Place – Borrego, SW
2nd Place – Mignott
3rd Place – Gentles
The event was officiated by Great Britain Archery Judges and run with the support of a local archery team, High Elm Archers.
Target Archery Winners

All members of the team have been issued their London colours and in some cases, their ‘National Sports Champion’ badges, I hope they will wear these with pride.

Capt Maria Katehis, Detachment Commander 74 Fusiliers | LonDist Sports RPoC | PRO 7 Coy
Clout Archery Winners

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