What is Employer Recognition Scheme(ERS)?
The Defence Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS)
The Employer Recognition Scheme acknowledges employers who have provided exceptional support to the armed forces community, and defence as a whole, by going above and beyond their Armed Forces Covenant (AFC) pledges, especially for reservists.
Through a three-tier approach of bronze, silver and gold awards, the scheme recognises the different levels of commitment provided by employers. This allows the Ministry of Defence to publicly thank and honour those organisations for their support.
The ERS recognises private sector companies from every sector and size as well as public sector organisations such as the emergency services, local authorities, NHS trusts and executive agencies.
You must have signed the AFC to qualify for any ERS award!
Bronze award:
Bronze award holders can self-nominate themselves and have to:
- Pledge to support the armed forces, including existing or prospective employees who are members of the community
- Promote being armed forces-friendly and are open to employing reservists, armed forces veterans (including the wounded, injured and sick), cadet instructors and military spouses/partners
Organisations will then receive an electronic certificate and logos to display on their website, stationery and other material.
Silver award:
- The employer must already have an ERS bronze award
- The employer must proactively demonstrate that service personnel and the armed forces community are not unfairly disadvantaged as part of their recruiting and selection processes
- Employers must employ at least one individual from the armed forces community category that the nomination emphasises. For example, an employer nominated for support to the Reserves must employ at least one Reservist
- The employer must actively ensure that their workforce is aware of their positive policies towards defence people issues. For example, an employer nominated for support to the Reserves must have an internally publicised and positive HR policy on Reserves
- Within the context of Reserves the employer must have demonstrated support to mobilisations or have a framework in place. They must demonstrate support to training by providing at least five days’ additional unpaid/paid leave (wherever possible not to Reservist employees’ financial disadvantage)
- The employer must not have been the subject of any negative PR or media activity
Gold award holders:
- Employers must have an existing relationship with their National Account Manager or Regional Employer Engagement Director (REED)
- The employer must have already be a silver ERS holder
- The employer must proactively demonstrate their forces-friendly credentials as part of their recruiting and selection processes. Where possible, they should be engaged with the Career Transition Partnership in the recruitment of service leavers and have registered on the Forces friendly Jobs portal
- Employers must employ at least one individual from the armed forces community category that the nomination emphasises. For example, an employer nominated for support to the Reserves must employ at least one Reservist
- The employer must actively ensure that their workforce is aware of their positive policies towards defence people issues. For example, an employer nominated for support to the Reserves must have an internally publicised and positive HR policy on Reserves
- The employer must be an exemplar within their market sector, advocating support to Defence People issues to partner organisations, suppliers and customers with tangible positive results
- Within the context of Reserves the employer must have demonstrated support to mobilisations or have a framework in place. They must provide at least 10 days’ additional leave for training, fully paid, to the Reservist employee
- The employer must not have been the subject of any negative PR or media activity
Please note that the high-level selection boards sit once a year to decide who will be awarded the silver and gold awards. It is vitally important that your submission is precise, accurate and meets all of the required criteria. Poorly written or unclear submissions often result in failure –so do ask your REED for help and guidance.